
Beadstork is a forty-something Ob/Gyn who is finally finding what the good life is, working half time as a Traveling Road Warrior Gynecologist (sometimes known as locum tenens, which we believe is Latin for “temp doctor”), and half time as a real mommy and wife.  She blogs because she is reaching out to people and she loves being a member of a community of writers.  Also, some really funny crap happens to her.

She would like to add, since she is presenting more and more photography, that her photographs are not altered in any way, except for red eye correction and cropping.  Mainly because she doesn’t know how the hell to do that stuff.

It also amuses her to refer to herself in the third person.

She loves techno music, jewelry making, writing, traveling, photography, laughing, and having a family.

24 thoughts on “About”

  1. Dearest Beadstork, Good morning! Today I was happily surprised to find out that I was nominated by a fellow blogger for the “Very Inspiring Blogger” Award. This involves some kind of participation (as you probably already know)! One of the things I had to do was to propose 15 bloggers for the same award. I thought of you immediately, as in you I found someone with many “things” in common that are quite personal. Thank you for sharing with me and also taking the time reading my bitter fractions of a life story. So, there you go my friend! Participate! http://goomfh.wordpress.com/2012/11/19/728/ This is a link to my page, where you will find the instructions! Thank you for inspiring me in such a unique way! 🙂

  2. Congrats on the nomination! I would also like to say I love that header image!

    If you ever do want to learn to enhance your photos, I highly recommend Adobe Lightroom. Very intuitive and not too expensive. Hell, if I can use it, anyone can 😉

  3. Intuitive is good! That’ll go a long way toward figuring it out. Some of those programs are just so terrifying. All of a sudden, your black & white is green and you don’t even know what you pushed to get there!

  4. I chanced upon your blog via Sass and Balderdash and as soon as I saw your title I knew that this was going to be totally up my street. I’ve read a couple of your posts and, yep, I was right.
    So from a baby obsessed woman to an ob/gyn gone mad – you’re funny and cool. I’ll be following you. Maybe get a few tips 🙂

  5. on occasion – the funniest stuff is the truth lol. kind of like the truth is stranger than fiction bit. im sure you’ll figure out how to get rid of the red eye 🙂

    1. 🙂 The red eye I can definitely handle, and cropping. It’s just all the rest of the stuff that scares me to death. Maybe one of these days…

  6. I love your blog! I think that it is amazing! I am new to this blogging world, and I nominated you for a Liebster Award. If you want to read more about it – check out my post http://wp.me/p3n0e5-5M – which will be posted at 9:45 EST today! Thanks for being such an inspiration!

    1. Thank you! I love to take pictures – one of my big hobbies. I am begging my husband for a looooong telephoto lens to shoot wildlife and such, but I’m having trouble convincing him that I need one!

  7. I am so glad I found your blog! I see you haven’t posted in a while, but I am a doctor mommy with 2 kids seriously contemplating making the jump to full time locums. You are the first other mommy I’ve even come across that has done this. I would love to talk to you about your experiences and see how it’s working for your family. I’m not sure if you can see my email when I fill out the form below, but please let me know if you’d be willing to share with me. I’m dying in this endless job!

    1. Let’s see if this goes through from my phone. So far the locums thing is going really well. I can focus on just work when I am at work, and on my family when I am home. I did have a little crisis the last time I went back to work, but I think it was because I am getting tired of going back to the same place each time and because now that I have gotten a little taste of freedom I want more. But overall I would never go back to my old soul killing job.

  8. Thank you so much for your speedy response. I am still debating when to give notice. I had my first travel gig set up for the first week in November – and I received notice yesterday that it was cancelled. They decided to focus on finding someone permanent and I was invited to come down and interview for that. But the agency had an immediate back up job. My husband is now a bit hesitant, wondering if jobs get cancelled often. I’m an intensivist, and given there’s a shortage of critical care docs, I’d think the jobs would be there. But I can always do hospitalist work as well. Anything to get me more freedom. One question – do you foresee any downside to locums as Obamacare continues forward?

    1. There seem to be able lots of jobs out there, at least for me. And once you get in one, a lot of the time there is a recurring need and if they like you they will bring you back again and again. I only see up side for Locums and Obama Care – since we are paid a flat daily fee for clinic, a flat fee to carry a pager, and an hourly fee for patient care while on call, we don’t have to worry with billing or reimbursement at all. Doesn’t matter what the reimbursement is – we get paid in units of time, and the rates are negotiable depending on need.

  9. I’m an OB/Gyn, and I’ve delivered hundreds of immigrant babies, mostly Hispanic. I’m the only one at work who has learned to speak some Spanish. My partner once told me that I shouldn’t tell anyone that I could understand Spanish, because it would attract more of “them” to our practice. “They” are actually delightful patients – grateful, they honor their debts, very nice. I’m glad I speak Spanish! That way, I get all those cool patients!

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